
What is Prime Time?

Prime Time Out-of-School Enrichment is a collaboration between Austin ISD and the city of Austin to provide the largest free after-school program in Austin. Austin Prime Time is funded by a grant from the city and managed by the AISD School, Family & Community Education Department. It allows schools maximum flexibility in designing out-of-school programs that meet the needs of students, families and the community, and focuses on keeping students engaged in productive activities between 3 and 5 p.m. in a safe, relaxed, supervised environment.

Prime Time primarily services schools that have a low socio-economic status. As a result, many of the students are exposed to activities they otherwise would not be able to afford. Working with families, teachers and their Prime Time Advisory Council, program coordinators develop a variety of activities and classes that complement regular-day learning by providing fun, structured recreation and hands-on experiences.

Our Mission

To create a community culture that serves and develops visionary leaders through:

  • Character development
  • Arts
  • Technology
  • College readiness
  • Health and fitness

Enrolling in Prime Time

Prime Time programs run up to five days a week on 25 AISD campuses, between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. If you are interested in enrolling your child in Prime Time, please contact your school office.

Contact Info 512-414-015